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Domingo Choc Che, Guía Espiritual Maya Q’eqchi’, científico, y maestro de medicina tradicional, fue asesinado el 6 de junio, 2020, en un horrendo crimen por sus prácticas de vida. Según Mónica Berger, antropóloga de la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, él “era un guía comprometido con preservar y transmitir el conocimiento ancestral sobre la protección de Madre Naturaleza y su medicina, a las nuevas generaciones y al mundo”. Un grupo de pobladores de Chimay, San Luis, Petén, Guatemala, le prendió fuego a Domingo, y éste murió por la gravedad del hecho. Lo acusaban de brujo y de ser el responsable de la muerte de una persona en el pueblo porque le había hecho “brujería”. El 9 de junio 2020, la Policía Nacional Civil capturaró a cuatro personas que son supuestamente responsables del asesinato de Domingo Choc Che.

On September 28, Cultural Survival and Sobrevivencia Cultural, (our sister organization in Guatemala), submitted a petition to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), to appeal the decision of Guatemala's Constitutional Court which violates Indigenous Peoples' rights through the country's telecommunications law that excludes Indigenous Peoples from operating community radio stations. 

Maya Ch'orti' Indigenous Council of Olopa, Chiquimula (Maya Ch'orti')

The Maya Ch'orti' Indigenous Council of Olopa is fighting for recognition as Indigenous communities and for the recovery of their spirituality, the defense of their territory, and their right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent to mining projects before they begin. They also seek to minimize the negative impacts of mining activity on the health of the people in their communities, denounce illegal logging, and fight against gender-based violence in their communities.

Maya-M Community Association for Integral Development (Maya Mam)

The Asociación Comunitaria de Desarrollo Integral Maya-M aims to bring community development to the Mam area through its programs in health, education, culture, agriculture and livestock, children, environment, communication, and international politics. Its current work is in education, health, and communication with young people. Their project will focus on the training of young people via a series of five workshops that will be held with community leaders and ancestral authorities.

Naköj Community Radio (Maya Kaqchikel)

Radio Comunitaria Naköj is an Indigenous collective and nonprofit media outlet dedicated to disseminating the cultural expressions of the Santo Domingo Xenacoj region. Through the exercise of the right to freedom of expression and thought as an Indigenous Maya Kaqchikel People, the station focuses on social and cultural issues, promoting the strengthening of the Maya Kaqchikel language among the population of Santo Domingo Xenacoj as well as the region’s cultural identity.

Indigenous Community Radio Nimlajacoc 92.1 FM (Maya)

This project seeks to strengthen the new leadership of women and young people through the radio, encouraging their active participation at all levels to ensure the sustainability of the station and its projection in the communities. In addition, it aims to contribute to the strengthening of cultural identity by disseminating the rights, history, language, art, culture, and traditions of Indigenous Peoples.

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