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Cultural Survival Sends Indigenous Delegations to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Through our Global Response Program, Cultural Survival had the pleasure of inviting representatives from Mayan communities in Huehuetenango, Guatemala and Toledo, Belize to the United Nation Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York this May to speak on issues related to the defense of their territories.

As part of our advocacy campaign Belize: Our Life, Our Lands, Cultural Survival invited Mr. Alfonso Caal, traditionally elected leader and President of the Toledo Alcaldes Association and Mr. Pablo Mis, Program Director for the Maya Leaders Alliance to attend the Forum to represent their community internationally, seek support from wider networks, and put pressure on the government of Belize to respect Maya land rights and their right to be consulted.

From Guatemala, CS invited Maria Hernandez of Santa Cruz Barillas, Huehuetenango, as part of our campaign Guatemala: We Are All Barillas.  Maria's father had been captured and imprisoned after vocally protesting a dam in their community.  Alfredo Baltazar Pedro, also Q'anjobal, is a representative of the Social Movement of Santa Eulalia and the Departmental Assembly of Huehuetenango (ADH). He spoke on the use of violence and repression of Indigenous Peoples peaceful protest in Huehuetenango, particularly the recent assassination of community leader Daniel Pedro Mateo, a teacher who was kidnapped while he was on his way to present a workshop on Indigenous environmental activism in Santa Cruz Barillas.

Each group presented case studies on how the right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent is or is not being implemented by the governments and companies who are actively promoting extractive-industries in their communities.

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Pablo Mis (left) and Alfredo Baltazar (right) participate in a panel at the UN Forum on Indigenous Issues.

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Maria Hernandez, of Santa Cruz Barillas, presents the case of her community. Alfonso Caal (left) listens in.