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By Organización Comuna Amazónica 

The aggressive advance of mining extractivism in Ecuador threatens the entire country. In our province, Napo, we are experiencing one of the most serious environmental disasters in our history, caused by the complicity of mining companies, illegal mining operators, and the government, who have formed a network of corruption that is poisoning our water sources and bleeding the jungle, affecting our economy and putting our health at risk.

By Kuakumake Stéreo (Arhuaco)

The Indigenous women of the Sierra Nevada in Colombia, are participating in a radio empowerment project called “The Indigenous Truth.” This initiative, organized by Kuakumake Stéreo, together with Cultura Survival, is essential to promoting the active participation of women and ensuring that their voices are heard in the public sphere.

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, it's never too early to reflect on the true history of this holiday, its origins, and Indigenous practices and ways of giving thanks. We share some resources from Native authors available to help navigate through the abundance of information out there. These children's books shed light on the true history of Thanksgiving. It is important to seek out the truth and hear stories told by Indigenous people, start with the following book recommendations!



By Claudio Hernandez (Na Ñuu Savi/ Mixtec)

Mamá wakes me up gently by whispering in my ear, “Claudio…Claudio. Ntakoo se’e. Ntasalistuku ra na ko’on. Sava’á cafe. Ntakoo ra ko’o cafe tatu kunu.” Wake up my child. Get ready, and let’s go. I made coffee. Wake up and drink coffee if you want. She wakes me up like this for school or on Saturday mornings when I help her and Papá at work in the strawberry fields. Sometimes I can hear her making tortillas and wrapping food for everyone at home around 4:30 or 5:00 a.m.

Georges Theodore Dougnon (Dogon), Capacity Building Program Assistant, hails from central Mali. He holds a Master's degree in Global Governance, Intercultural Relations, and Peace Process Management from the University of Siena in Italy. He is deeply committed to community engagement and envisions a world where peace and justice prevail. As a human rights and social change activist, he devotes his free time to various community engagement projects and initiatives aimed at fostering social change. Drawing inspiration from the legacies of Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela, Georges firmly believes that "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere... Whatever affects one of us directly, affects all of us indirectly." His passion for advocacy and dedication to creating a more just society drive his ongoing efforts toward positive change and equality. Georges speaks English, French, Italian, Dogon, Fulani, and Bambara. Contact Georges at:

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