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Victoria Tauli-Corpuz on Traditional Knowledge: Generation, Transmission and Protection

The traditional knowledge of Indigenous Peoples has proven over and over again to be a valuable source of input to modern science. In a recent 1800 page report by the UN, it was acknowledged that the Indigenous Peoples of the world contribute greatly to protecting our environment. Here is an excerpt from the statement of Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, pertaining to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Global Assessment Report.

"The scientists laud us for using our 'knowledge, practices and technology' to maintain and enhance wild and domesticated biodiversity and landscapes. They cite our forest gardens where we nurture wild relatives of important crops, some of them the source of genes that can protect corn, potatoes, wheat and rice against deadly plant pathogens. They recognize the work of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in protecting biodiversity in the forests of Brazil and Indonesia, the potato fields of Peru, the sheep pastures of Kyrgyzstan, the hay meadows of Central Europe and the landscapes of Australia and Alaska."

Victoria Tauli-Corpuz on Traditional Knowledge

The 18th session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was held from April 22 to May 3, 2019. The theme for this year was Traditional Knowledge: Generation, transmission and protection. We spoke to United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Victoria Tauli-Corpuz on the reasoning behind this particular theme and why it was chosen. 

 Indigenous Resiliency Amidst Fire and Ice

A close relationship with local environments and ecosystems is more critical than ever in the face of a rapidly changing climate. This program features two perspectives from Indigenous communities that are practicing resiliency to global warming by adapting their traditional knowledge and science to put a changing climate into the context of their communities' history and lifeways. In this program, we spoke to Elizabeth Azzuz (Yurok) of the Cultural Fire Management Council, and Jannie Staffansson (Saami) of Arctic and Environment Unit of the Saami Council.

 Indigenous Agroforestry Protects Water, Bio-diversity and Food Sovereignty

The Kalinga Mission for Indigenous Children and Youth, led by Donato Bumacas, promotes values of biodiversity conservation, with the goal of poverty reduction. These values are upheld using Indigenous traditional knowledge systems andd technologies to conserve and maintain the local forests. Sustainable Indigenousagricultural technology is implemented, with the goal of passing these systems down to future generations, as this knowledge was passed down to them. 

Indigenous Rights Radio News Bulletin

A short update on current events from around the world on the topic of Indigenous rights.