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Deadline to apply: November 30, 2023
Fellowship range: $2,500 - $6,000

Cultural Survival has defended Indigenous Peoples’ rights and supported the self-determination, cultures, and political resilience of Indigenous communities since 1972.

A Bolsa para Jovens Indígenas da Cultural Survival apoia jovens líderes Indígenas com idades entre 17 e 28 anos que estão trabalhando em transformar suas comunidades e criar oportunidades para a elevação, defesa e fortalecimento de suas culturas e tradições, ao mesmo tempo em que desenvolvem suas habilidades de liderança, organização e gestão. Desde 2018, concedemos 111 bolsas apoiando 215 bolsistas.

Cultural Survival’s Indigenous Youth Fellowship supports young Indigenous leaders between the ages of 17–28 who are working to transform their communities and create opportunities for the elevation, defense, and strengthening of their cultures and traditions while developing their leadership, organizational, and management skills. Since 2018, we have awarded 111 fellowships supporting 215 fellows.

Cultural Survival is a proud member of the EU Raw Materials Coalition.

For immediate release:

Today (26 September 2023)  marks the official launch of the EU Raw Materials Coalition, a vital convergence of over 40 civil society organisations (CSOs) from the EU and beyond. This coalition responds to the escalating demand for metals pivotal in ushering green and digital transitions globally.

European Parliament’s recognition of Indigenous Rights a positive step, but the law fails to fully recognize the sovereignty of Indigenous Peoples

The Securing Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in the Green Economy (SIRGE) Coalition celebrates that the European Parliament included Indigenous Peoples’ right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent, as enumerated in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), in their official position on the Critical Raw Material Act (CRMA) adopted on Septembe

Por Edson Krenak (Krenak, pessoal de Cultural Survival)

Iniciativa global analisa como diferentes fabricantes de automóveis se saem em seus esforços para eliminar combustíveis fósseis, danos ambientais e abusos aos direitos humanos em suas cadeias de suprimentos - desde mineração até as montadoras. O estudo é de grande relevância para os Povos Indígenas.


We sent this letter below to 560+ European Union legislators urging them to include Indigenous Peoples' rights in the Critical Raw Materials Act. 


Dear MEP,

Is consent really necessary? 

On 14 September, MEPs will vote on the ITRE Compromise text on the Commission proposal for Critical Raw Materials Regulation (CRMR). We call on you to support the inclusion of the Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) and Indigenous Peoples’ rights in the upcoming plenary vote. 

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