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Indigenous Rights on the Airwaves: December 10th is Human Rights Day

December 10th, 2016 will mark the 68th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN General Assembly.  Let's send a message that the struggle for the implementation of the standards proposed in the Declaration of Human Rights continues today in many corners of the world, especially in Indigenous communities, by airing this free series of programs that provides information on how Indigenous people can use UN mechanisms to defend their rights. 

Remember, our Indigenous Rights Radio programs are always free to download and broadcast. 

Series: Navigating the United Nations for Indigenous Peoples

This radio series, broken down into ten 2-minute programs, takes listeners step by step through the uses of the various tools that the UN provides to Indigenous Peoples to defend and advocate for their rights. 

Or, listen to the whole radio series

irr un spots  

Browse our full collection of radio programs in English and 34 other languages, here

Photo: The domed ceiling of the Human Rights Council chamber. Photo by Eric Bridiers.