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Proud to Be Indigenous Week starts April 20. Are you part of it yet?!

Proud to Be Indigenous Week starts Monday, April 20. Are you part of it yet?!

Indigenous Peoples from around the world will be descending on New York City for the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) from April 20-May 1. While most of us can’t make it to New York, our voices need to be heard! Our goal is to create a storm of online activity during UNPFII so that Indigenous voices everywhere are heard.

 This year’s theme is “Our Voices Matter.” We’ll be focusing on language  and community media and all that encompasses – history, stories, music, communication, connections, and more.




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Listen to interviews conducted at the 2014 UNPFII:

Programas en español


If you are attending the UNPFII come to these events! If you can't make it follow us on @CSORG on twitter and for live coverage of UNPFII events:

Wednesday, 22 April 2015
Indigenous Operationalization and Implementation UNDRIP’s Free, Prior, and Informed Consent
Location: Conference Room 4, UN Headquarters
13.15 - 14.30

The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) has acknowledged varying ways in which international actors can protect, respect and remedy the rights of indigenous peoples. One of these methods is the concept of free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) as described in Articles 10, 19, 28 and 29. And while many entities like extractive industries have put forth their own FPIC protocol when interacting with indigenous peoples, there is an absence of FPIC protocol that has been developed by indigenous peoples themselves. Indigenous Peoples must develop and implement their own FPIC protocol in order to assert their own rights. At the direction of an American Indian tribe, the University of Colorado American Indian Law Clinic has worked on behalf of an indigenous group to codify the rights to free, prior and informed consent as expressed in the UNDRIP. This tribal FPIC law and protocol may serve as a starting point and model to actualize these rights for the development or use of culture, lands, territories and resources may serve to implement a portion of the UNDRIP.  Co-sponsors: Cultural Survival, The University of Colorado American Indian Law Clinic, First Peoples Worldwide


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Tuesday, 28 April 2015
Securing Freedom of Expression for Indigenous Communities
Location: Conference Room 7, UN Headquarters
13.15 - 14.30

Despite the guarantee of freedom of expression for Indigenous Peoples (Article 16 of UNDRIP), many state governments continue to persecute those claiming their rights. In Guatemala raids on community radio stations are a too common occurrence, in spite of their guarantee in the Guatemalan Constitution and Peace Accords. Many Indigenous journalists and media creators worldwide face harassment, threats, physical violence, and incarceration for exercising their right to freedom of expression.
Co-sponsors: Cultural Survival, AMARC Central America, Radio Ixchel


Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Implementing Indigenous Rights though Radio
Location: Conference Room 7, UN Headquarters
13.15 - 14.30

Community radio is an essential medium for information sharing, language revitalization, and cultural survival in Indigenous communities.  Radio is the medium of choice in many remote areas with little other forms of communication and is the primary source of news, information and entertainment. The low cost of radio makes it the ideal tool for defending Indigenous cultures, their lands and natural resources, and promoting information about Indigenous rights and the international Indigenous Rights movement.
Co-sponsors: Endangered Language Alliance


Wednesday, 29 April, 2015
Maya Land Rights in Belize, a Precedent for Indigenous Peoples Globally

Location: Conference Room 4, UN Headquarters
13.15 - 14.30

Maya leaders will discuss the recent decisions of the Caribbean Court of Justice on Maya land rights in Southern Belize affirming that customary ownership is a legitimate title to land unique but equal to other land titles in Belize. This decision sets a major precedent for Indigenous Peoples globally and this event will allow Maya Leaders to share best practices in utilizing domestic and international courts with other communities who seek to replicate their methods. Co-sponsors: Maya Leaders Alliance, Toledo Alcaldes Association, Rainforest Foundation New York

Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Universal Periodic Review: A Potent Process for the Realization of Human Rights in Indigenous Homelands

Conference Room 12, UN Headquarters
18.15 - 19.30
Learn about the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and how it can aid in your advocacy efforts and put pressure on governments to respect Indigenous Peoples' rights. Co-sponsors: Hawai’i Institute for Human Rights, USHRN

Miércoles 29 de Abril 2015
Lanzamiento de Programas Radiales

UN Church Center, segundo piso
777 1st Ave/ E 44th St, New York, NY 10017
Le invitamos a juntarse con el equipo de Cultural Survival de productores de radio Indígenas para disfrutar una refacción mientras que escuchemos y discutimos nuestros programas de radio sobre derechos de Pueblos Indígenas, los cuales están diseñados para ser transmitidos en radios comunitarias Indígenas al nivel mundial. Tocaremos una selección de programas en español y otros idiomas, describiremos su proceso e intención, y pediremos sus comentarios. Nuestra meta es crear audios que construyan diálogo e intercambien conocimientos entre las personas Indígenas que entrevistamos y las que escuchan nuestros programas en el aire. Quisiéramos saber qué opina para poder incorporar sus prioridades y retroalimentación en nuestros programas futuros.

Thursday, April 30, 2015 
Radio Program Premiere

UN Church Center, 2nd Floor
777 1st Ave/ E 44th St, New York, NY 10017
Join Cultural Survival's team of Indigenous radio producers for food and drinks as we listen to and discuss our Indigenous Rights Radio programs, designed for broadcast at Indigenous community radio stations worldwide. We will play selected programs in English and other languages, describe their process and intention, and ask for your feedback.
Our goal is to create audio that builds dialogue and exchanges knowledge among the Indigenous people we interview and those that hear our programs on the air. We want to know what you think so we can incorporate your priorities and feedback into our future programs.



We want Indigenous People to post photos and videos expressing why they are Proud To Be Indigenous with the hashtag #Proud2BIndigenous on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. We want people to share stories and celebrate their Indigenous culture. And we want Indigenous People from around the world to connect with each other. Proud to Be Indigenous is about you, and making your voice heard.

How can you get involved? It’s easy, no matter where you are:


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Take a photo of yourself with your homemade #Proud2BIndigenous sign. Then post them on the Proud To Be Indigenous Facebook page with a message telling us your name, your People, and where you live.

If you are on Twitter, tweet your photo using the hashtag #Proud2BIndigenous or #P2BI and we will retweet it.

And if you only have email, just email the photo to and we will share it for you.

Not Indigenous? We still want you to join us! We believe that everyone has the right to be proud of their communities, heritage, and traditions. Unfortunately, this right has been denied to Indigenous Peoples for so long. We all need to band together to celebrate and protect our common humanity and all the beautiful cultures of this earth. So take a picture with a sign saying that you’re a proud supporter of Indigenous Peoples and we’ll post it too!


During P2BI Week, we’ll be focusing on a different topic every day. Check out the schedule so you can join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter, or email us your stories and experiences!

Monday (4/20) - Share Your Language

Tuesday (4/21) - Community Radio/ Community Media

Wednesday (EARTH DAY) (4/22) - Honoring Indigenous Women: Honoring the Earth

Thursday (4/23) - Honoring Indigenous Youth

Friday (4/25) - Sustainable Living to Combat Climate Change



Follow this link for a super-easy way to join the campaign – you can create your own custom P2BI photo! You can also share your photos using Facebook and Twitter, and even add your own Facebook banner!

And make sure you are following us on Facebook, Twitter, and our website because during the week, we will be sharing Indigenous stories and news coming out of UNPFII.


If you are associated with an organization, please let us know so that we can add you to our coalition! Coalition members help support  P2BI by spreading the word to your audience. Additionally, if you plan on hosting any events leading up to or during UNPFII, we will gladly help spread the word about them! Just email or with the details.

Thank you for your support! And thank you to the Proud To Be Indigenous  2014 Coalition: First Peoples WorldwideCultural SurvivalSmithsonian’s National Museum of the American IndianIndian Country Today Media NetworkAmazon WatchNative American Rights FundUnited Nations Global CompactA World Institute for a Sustainable Humanity (AWISH); Action Communautaire pour la Promotion des Défavorisés Batwa (ACPROD-BATWA); Africa Grantmakers’ Affinity Group; Bajoh Indigenous Development Association; Bible Hill Youth Club; Borena Amara Wetatoch Mehaber (BAYA); Borneo Project; Buffalo Nickel Communications; Conscious Living; Council of the Maya Ancestral Authorities of the Ixil Region; Documentary Educational Resources; ELEMENTALEnterprise Development & Enterprise FacilityFundación Paso a PasoGlobal HandGulu Deaf AssociationGwich’in Steering CommitteeHiga-onon Ha Migsabuwa Ta Lanao, Inc.; Il’laramatak Community ConcernsIndigenous Peoples Issues and ResourcesIndigenous WavesInternational Indian Treaty Council (IITC); Literacy Action And Development Agency (LADA)Longhouse Media; Maa Civil Society; Maya Leaders Alliance, Mindanao Fish, Wildlife Degenders and Parks Association; Mengbwa: Actions Jeunes (MAJE)Native Arts CollectiveNumi Organic Tea; One Equal Heart Foundation; Organisation d’Accompagnement et d’Appui aux Pygmées (OSAPY); Organization of Indigenous Communities of Masisea (OCOIM); Peopleriver; Pikhumpongan Dlibon Subanen, Inc. (PDSI); Pueblos Indígenas Chorotega (CPICh); Pwani Leadership Council (Kenya); Pygmy People Association for a Sustainable Development; Red Alliance Media; RunaSATIIM - Sarstoon-Temash Institute for Indigenous Management; Sundarbon Adibasi Munda Sangastha (SAMS), sweetriotTankaTebtebba; Toledo Alcaldes Association; Uganda Gender Rights Foundation; Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO), Urunji Child-Care Trust; and Vision Maker Media