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Ask your Friends to Support Cultural Survival

Fundraising Tips:

Ask your Friends to Support Cultural Survival

Increase the impact you make by asking your friends and family to support Cultural Survival with you.  With social fundraising, it has never been easier to reach your fundraising goals.  The best part is that you can personalize your fundraising team page with your own story and message to show others why Cultural Survival is important to you.


10 DAYS AND 10 WAYS TO $500: The Power of You!


Show your commitment! Start by making your own donation of $25, $50 or more. Set up your personal or team fundraising page.
Ask two family members for $25 each.
Ask a business you frequent to donate $25. Your dry cleaner, hair stylist, and regular coffee shop are great places to start.
Bought a new car or refinanced your home? Those professionals often make charitable donations based on their customers’ requests. You just need to ask!
Ask five co-workers to sponsor you for $20 each.
Does your company offer a matching gift program? If so, this is a great way to double your co-workers impact!
Ask your boss for a company contribution of $100.
Ask five people you know from your extracurricular sports team, your child’s school, or your place of worship to donate $10 each.
Ask five friends to donate $20 each. Send emails and ask for support and give your friends a safe and secure way to make a credit card donation to your fundraising efforts.
Turn it around! Ask someone who has asked you to support their cause to support you for $25.
Ask your company about a matching gift.
DAY 10
Use Facebook. Once you get the word out you are participating in Cultural Survival’s membership month, you will be surprised at those individuals who will support you—a high school friend, a college roommate, a former co-worker, or one of your child’s former coaches or babysitters. People want to support you—they just need to be asked!


10 Ways to $100: The Power of You


Did you know? In just 10 days, you can be an Indigenous Rights Champion!  Here’s how!

1. Make your $10 pledge first.
2. Ask your “significant other”.
3. Ask your boss.
4. Ask a co-worker.
5. Ask a friend.
6. Ask a neighbor.
7. Ask a relative.
8. Ask another friend.
9. Double your donation! Ask your employer about a matching gift. It might be as simple as filling out a form.
10. Ask someone who has asked you to support a cause.

So many ways to ask! Here are 5 easy ways to get the word out there!
1.  Ask by email.
2.  Ask through Facebook.
3.  Ask by phone.
4. Ask by mail.
5. Ask in person.


Sample fundraising letter

Dear Friends,

Cultural Survival was founded in 1972 to support the empowerment of Indigenous Peoples around the world.  We partner with Indigenous communities to defend their lands, languages, and cultures. We assist them in obtaining the knowledge, advocacy tools, and strategic partnerships they need to protect their rights. By donating to Cultural Survival, you are helping us continue to advocate for the inherent rights and dynamic cultures of Indigenous Peoples!

Cultural Survival's Indigenous Rights Radio Program has developed an innovative series of Public Service Announcements, as well as longer format radio programs, to inform Indigenous Peoples about their rights.  So far we have produced 80 radio programs in English and 87 programs in Spanish, as well as 230 translations covering 19 languages.  We have distributed the programs to almost 1,000 radio stations in 60 countries, reaching an estimated 10 million listeners.

Cultural Survival's Advocacy Program recently launched a campaign in Argentina to help protect the Iberá wetlands system, one of the world’s largest bodies of freshwater.  We also continue to support advocacy campaigns with Indigenous communities whose right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent is being violated by agribusiness and extractive industries in Russia, Bangladesh, Cameroon, Canada, Peru, Kenya, Belize, Guatemala, and Ethiopia.

Cultural Survival's Community Media Program has developed a network of 80 community radio stations across Guatemala, as well as in El Salvador and Belize. These stations learn how to improve their operations through a series of training workshops and exchanges.  We also organized a youth conference in Guatemala to help build networks and foster collaboration among Indigenous youth from three countries, using community radio and shared Maya culture.

Cultural Survival's Bazaar Program aims to strengthen Indigenous cultures by providing a venue for the sale of art and crafts made by Indigenous artisans throughout the world. The sale of crafts perpetuates the artistic traditions which are culturally significant to many Indigenous communities, provides capital to Indigenous communities, and provides sustainable income to individual artisans and their families.

Your generous support is vital to helping our work continue to grow in new and exciting directions. Thank you for standing up for Indigenous rights with Cultural Survival!