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Campaign Update – Papua New Guinea: “Gag Order” Aims to Silence Indigenous Protesters

Indigenous land owners, students, and citizens in Madang province have been vigorously protesting an amendment to the Environmental Law that denies their right to appeal decisions made by the Ministry of the Environment and Conservation. All forms of protest against the amendment have been banned and criminalized by the government. “This means there should be no more talkback radio programs and interviews, no more advertisements, no more letters to the editors, no more public meetings, public demonstrations or protest marches,” declared Attorney General Ano Pala. He said people who engage in any form of protest risk being cited for contempt of court.

Courageously ignoring the Attorney General’s threats, protesters thronged the streets of Medang in June (see photo). National and regional newspapers continue to print editorials and letters to the editor that call for repeal of the amendment, which the government pushed through Parliament in order to silence Indigenous land owners’ opposition to a Chinese mining project.

The Ministry of Environment and Conservation approved the Chinese company’s plan to dump their mine and refinery waste into the sea along the Rai Coast, home to Indigenous clans that depend on a healthy marine environment for sustenance and income. The Indigenous land owners point to scientific studies that warn of potential widespread harm to the entire marine food chain if the Chinese company dumps 100 million tons of toxic waste there. They have brought five law suits against the government and the mining company, and they are calling for a permanent court injunction against the deep sea tailings disposal. Papua New Guinea law guarantees protection of Indigenous land owners’ lands and fishing grounds.

The government’s amendment to the Environmental Law and the Attorney General’s gag order aim to silence all opposition to the Chinese mining operation. Our Global Response campaign aims to inundate the Papua New Guinea government with protest letters from citizens around the world. We are immune to the Attorney General’s threats, so it’s crucial for us to speak out.

If you haven’t yet sent emails, faxes or letters to the Prime Minister and other officials, please do it today!  Click here  for our action alert and a model letter, or send an email from our website.