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The Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundary Commission (SEITC) is a consortium of 15 sovereign Tribal Nations located in Southeast Alaska. SEITC has authority derived from Tribal governments, and each member Tribe has a formally designated representative. Established in 2014, SEITC was founded in order to protect and represent the cultural connection to the sacred rivers and waterways that are essential to sustaining local communities.

By Dev Kumar Sunuwar

At one time media in Nepal were criticized for ignoring the voices, participation and access of Indigenous Peoples.  The Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (ACORAB)—an umbrella organization of community radio stations in Nepal, AMARC-Asia Pacific, UNESCO and UNDP Nepal recently jointly organized a national consultation on the state of Indigenous broadcasting to best address the concerns of Indigenous peoples in community radio.

When most people envision Northern California, images of winding coastal roads, sheer cliffs, and mountainous, crashing waves appear in their minds-- redwood trees as tall as skyscrapers, and rocky beaches that span for hundreds of miles. What is typically not attached to the California postcard scenery, however, is knowledge of the American Indian Tribes that have been living in this region for countless generations, cultivating a deep spiritual and physical connection with both the ocean and the surrounding landmass.

Cultural Survival es una organización Indígena sin fines de lucro que apoya iniciativas de radios comunitarias Indígenas en diferentes partes del mundo con subvenciones que puedan fortalecer las capacidades de éstas importantes plataformas de comunicación y que sirvan como medios de información, opinión, educación, cultura e idiomas de los Pueblos Indígenas desde sus propias filosofías, historia, derechos y anhelos.

Objetivos de la convocatoria

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