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El Día Internacional de los Pueblos Indígenas, se conmemora cada año el 9 de agosto, como un recordatorio de la reunión del Grupo de trabajo de las Naciones Unidas sobre poblaciones Indígenas de la Subcomisión sobre la promoción y protección de los Derechos Humanos, la cual se llevó a cabo en 1992.

By Sarah Hume (CS Intern)

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change projects that we have less than 12 years to avoid a definite future of catastrophic consequences. The High Level Political Forum (HLPF) is the core United Nations platform to discuss these repercussions. There, representatives review the global sustainable development goals set for 2030 and follow-up with nations about their commitments to combat climate change. 

By Dev Kumar Sunuwar (Koĩts-Sunuwar, CS Staff)

Human trafficking is one of the most difficult issues to address in Nepal. It is a purposefully hidden practice, affecting and exploiting thousands of women, adolescent girls, and children. But despite its invisible nature, it abundantly shows that Indigenous women and girls are disproportionately affected by human trafficking and represent almost 70 percent of the cases. 

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