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“Desconozco porque me están señalando del delito de hurto”, manifestó Oscar Mejía Imul, originario del municipio de Chichicastenango, departamento de Quiche, Guatemala,  en la audiencia de vista pública efectuada ayer, ante los magistrados de dicho organismo,  en la sala de vistas de la Corte de Constitucionalidad,  donde se solicitó revisar  la sentencia  en su contra y se declare con lugar la apelación del amparo.

On August 2, 2017, one of Cultural Survival’s partner radio stations, Radio Jolom Konob’ of Santa Eulalia, Huehuetenango, Guatemala, hosted the visit of Jesus Orozco, Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders and Edison Lanza, Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, both from the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights. The Rapporteurs came to listen to the situation of Indigenous Peoples’ rights violations in the region.

Several Indigenous women's organizations from the Maya, Garífuna and Xinca peoples working with the Tzununijá Movement, have developed a multi-year consultation and collective construction process that has included meetings, conferences and workshops in an effort to produce the Second Shadow Specific Report on Indigenous Women of Guatemala for submission to the Committee on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women.
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